Daedream Paldeck Entry


About Daedream

It puts those it is interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams. Those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes them.
Work Suitability

Daedream Partner Skill

Dream Chaser

While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets.

Daedream Stats

Hp: 70
Defense: 60
Melee Attack: 100
Ranged Attack: 75
Support: 100
Stamina: 100
Walk Speed: 140
Run Speed: 300
Ride Speed: 550

Daedream Breeding

Male %: 50
Female %: 50
Extra Information
AssetID: DreamDemon
Paldeck No: 19
Genus: humanoid
Size: xs
Rarity: 1
Base Price: 1330
Element 1: dark
Element 2: none

Daedream Skills

Daedream has a total of 7 learnable skills. Daedream gains new skills by levelling up, it can also learn new skills by consuming skill fruits.

Palworld ElementDark Ball Power: 40 Level: 1

Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down the enemy.

Palworld ElementPoison Blast Power: 30 Level: 7

Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.

Palworld ElementShadow Burst Power: 55 Level: 15

Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.

Palworld ElementCryst Breath Power: 90 Level: 22

Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.

Palworld ElementSpirit Flame Power: 75 Level: 30

Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.

Palworld ElementNightmare Ball Power: 100 Level: 40

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.

Palworld ElementDark Laser Power: 150 Level: 50

Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

Daedream Spawn Location

Daedream Drops

Daedream Counters

Daedream is a Dark Pal. Dark Pals are weak to Dragon Pals.